Amazon Echo vs Google Nest: Which Smart Speakers Have Better Bluetooth Functionality

July 22, 2021

Amazon Echo vs Google Nest: Which Smart Speakers Have Better Bluetooth Functionality

Smart speakers have become increasingly popular due to the convenience they offer. There are many options to choose from, but two of the most popular are Amazon Echo and Google Nest. Both these speakers offer incredible features and are outstanding in their way. Today, we will focus on comparing the Bluetooth functionality of both speakers to find out which one offers better performance.

Amazon Echo's Bluetooth Functionality

Amazon Echo is a versatile device that offers excellent Bluetooth functionality. It allows you to connect to other devices without the need for wires. You can use it to stream music, make phone calls, and even send text messages. Amazon Echo uses Bluetooth 4.0, which is the latest Bluetooth version, ensuring that you get the best connection possible. Additionally, this speaker can support up to seven devices connected to it simultaneously, which is impressive.

Google Nest's Bluetooth Functionality

Google Nest is another popular smart speaker known for its accuracy and reliability. It uses Bluetooth 5.0, which is an upgrade from Echo's Bluetooth version, making it faster and more efficient. With Google Nest, you can easily connect to other devices without experiencing any lag time. Moreover, the speaker is equipped with a powerful amplifier, allowing it to produce high-quality sound.

Comparison: Amazon Echo vs Google Nest

While both speakers offer exceptional Bluetooth functionality, there are significant differences between them. Google Nest is undoubtedly better than Amazon Echo when it comes to Bluetooth connectivity. With Bluetooth 5.0, Google Nest allows you to connect to devices quickly, and you won't experience any delays. Furthermore, it has a reliable connection range, allowing you to enjoy music or make phone calls even if you are far from your speaker.

On the other hand, Amazon Echo is a great option if you're looking for a versatile speaker. Its connectivity is impressive, and you can connect to up to seven devices at a time. Moreover, it's more affordable than Google Nest, making it an appealing option if you're on a budget.


In conclusion, Amazon Echo and Google Nest are both great speakers, but when it comes to Bluetooth functionality, Google Nest is the clear winner. Its faster connection, reliable range, and high-quality sound set it apart from Amazon Echo. Nevertheless, Amazon Echo's versatility and affordability may appeal to many users.


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